Adina Hotel Copenhagen: Flat roof renovation

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Key facts

Copenhagen (DK)
November 2023 – March 2024
1.300 sqm
Authorised Contractor
Membranteknik ApS

Triflex Xperience Day

We look forward to welcoming you to the Triflex Xperience Day at the Adina Hotel Copenhagen on 8 April 2025. Planners, architects and building owners are invited to come along between 9:00 and 15:00 to see the performance of Triflex solutions for themselves.

Our team of experts will answer all your questions about reliable and long-lasting waterproofing of roofs and balconies with liquid plastic, using samples, brochures, presentations and, above all, live demonstrations. A presentation followed by a practical demonstration of detailed sealing on the roof will take place at 10:00 and 13:00 on that day.

In addition to plenty of information, refreshments will also be provided. So how about an inspiring and tasty visit during your breakfast or lunch break? As the number of participants is limited, please register using the form below as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

Adina Hotel Copenhagen: Flat roof renovation

Adina Hotel Copenhagen: Flat roof renovation

In the center of Copenhagen, the leaking bitumen on the roof of Adina Hotel had to be renovated, water had already penetrated the building. The roof had many details and the existing subsoil was not to be removed, and it was difficult to locate the leaks. Triflex ProTect and Triflex ProDetail were used for waterproofing. Applying any primer before was not necessary. The roof was also impregnated with Triflex Cryl Finish light grey to reflect sunlight. The renovation could be carried out during ongoing operations without affecting the room bookings or causing any inconvenience to hotel guests.

Refurbishment requirements

  • Quick and easy solution without affecting room bookings and bothering guests
  • Relieable waterproofing on superabounded details
  • Stopping leaks and water ingress
  • Application at low temperatures
  • Possibility to apply it directly on bitumen without primer
  • No disposal of old materials
  • Bright waterproofing that reflects sunlight

Refurbishment steps overview

  1. No Primer was used
  2. Triflex ProDetail to waterproof details on the roof
  3. Triflex ProTect on the horizontal surface
  4. Triflex Cryl Finish light grey on top of the waterproofing for reflecting purpose


Michael Køhler, Owner Membranteknik ApS