We see sustainability as our duty to the generations of today and tomorrow and have made the idea of sustainability an integral part of our corporate strategy. We associate financial success with an awareness of economic, environmental and social responsibility. We also adhere to the sustainability guidelines of the chemical industry in Germany and follow the Responsible Care guidelines of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI).
Environmental protection, sustainability and careful use of the resources at our disposal: these are our yardsticks for corporate responsibility. With our sister company Follmann GmbH & Co. KG., we are committed to environmental friendliness and high safety standards for customers, suppliers, authorities and employees. We are certified to the following quality standard:

Environment and sustainability
Only the responsible use of natural resources for the benefit of future generations will ensure our long-term entrepreneurial success.
With our Sustainability Report, we regularly provide customers, suppliers, authorities and the interested public with detailed information on the situation and measures in environmental protection.
As a responsibly managed company, we provide our employees with principles and rules for correct and responsible conduct. Our Code of Conduct, based on our principles and values, expresses the expectations of the Group as an employer and is mandatory when conducting business.

Social and socio-political commitment
We have been investing in environmental technology for decades, thus cutting both our consumption of resources and our emissions. We reduce the volume of waste, residual materials and waste water to a minimum through these technical and organisational measures – and monitor this continuously. Triflex is an important employer in Minden that fulfils its social responsibility as a medium-sized family business. Our corporate culture is open and fair. We maintain an ongoing dialogue with our employees, customers, neighbours, environmental associations, schools, journalists and politicians.

Quality standards – certified safety
When it comes to product development, environmental compatibility is a major aspect of our requirements profile. To this end, we attach particular importance to the use of renewable raw materials. All materials and processes are tested for their environmental impact. Production is conducted to the highest environmental standards; safety and environmental aspects are subject to a process of continual improvement. Triflex waterproofing systems are ETA approved (European Technical Authority) and belong to the highest possible categories according to ETAG 005. At Triflex, we regard continuous internal and external quality controls in production as essential:
- Internal control of all raw materials
- Quality control, including external monitoring by DiBt (German Institute of Structural Engineering), MPA, BBA, German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), among others
- Certifications and test data for waterproofing systems
- Triflex works with trained and certified contractors